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May 2021 (Monthly Update)

I did stuff this month, I promise.

68 subscribers – 15 videos – 4,075 views

Progress since last update

I put out my first video about something other than video games. And can I just say…

Holy shit.

It was so frustrating trying to deal with Content ID for that video. When writing “my love letter to found footage” or whatever the hell I called it, I knew that I’d have to do a little back-and-forth trying to remove problematic sections so it didn’t get flagged the instant it was uploaded.

But I didn’t expect that I’d have to re-render and re-upload that video like a dozen times. It’s been like two weeks since I did all that, and I’m still exhausted from it. I spent a whole goddamn day just burning up my 560ti rendering and waiting for the video to upload. Just for it to tell me, “Sorry : ) This 12 second clip is from this movie, we won’t show it in a buncha countries uwu.”

Ugh, it was demotivating as hell. I really wanna spend more time talking about movies on the channel. Hell, I had a video idea or two bouncing around in my head related to movies that I wanted to do after this. But I realized I’d probably have to dedicate significant time to just making sure that I wasn’t showing consecutive clips or playing audio for too long. It’s just not worth it if the idea isn’t a slam dunk. And while I was a fan of those videos and even started writing one of them, I don’t think it was worth it. Maybe I’ll come back to film someday, but it might be a while.


With all that said… I don’t really know what I’m working on next. I had a few other video ideas in addition to the movie ones, so it’s not like I have no ideas.

But they aren’t enough to really kick me into gear, y’know?

They’re okay ideas, but that’s about it. I guess this was bound to happen sooner or later, since my whole channel is based on coming up with ideas that can interest me for the couple dozen hours it takes to make the video.

In addition to that, I started another hobby! I don’t really wanna say what it is, because I’ve kinda learned to not blow my load before I go through all the paces.

All my motivation has been directed at this, so I haven’t really even been thinking about my YouTube channel. It’s a pretty intensive activity, and I don’t have a lot of self-motivation to begin with, so I just decided to go with this for the time being.

I’m gonna keep at this for a few weeks and see how I feel. I’ll probably think about video topics and maybe even write a bit, but I’m not gonna make it my go-to task when I feel particularly productive.


These next few weeks are gonna be a time where I’m focusing on my growth as a person, rather than my growth as a content creator. To all my loving viewers/readers out there, I hope you stick with me through this lull.

Maybe next update, I’ll be comfortable talking about what I’ve gotten myself into, or maybe I’ll say that I dropped it and went back to writing videos at a normal pace.

Well, whatever’s “normal” for me.


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