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June 2021 (Monthly Update)

A month with delayed progress. But I haven’t been entirely lazy. I’ve been working on…

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Learning Japanese!

Yeah… uh.. I’m learning Japanese. I’ve been keeping this to myself for the past month, because I have a bad habit of talking about projects before I really get into them. Getting deeper into projects, so I can fully realize if I’m interested or not, before publicly announcing them is something I’m trying to get better at.

I started learning Hiragana and Katakana (the Japanese character set) on May 23rd. Admittedly, I did try learning Japanese a year or two ago, but stopped after learning half of Hiragana. I did have a tiny head start, but it’s not by much.

Because I’ve been learning a whole-ass language, I haven’t made a lot of progress on any new videos. I don’t have a whole lot of energy to dedicate to productive activities per day, and I’ve been using most of that energy in the past month for flash cards and watching Japanese shows.

That isn’t to say I haven’t worked on any video. I’ve been working on a video about…


Learning Japanese!

I would love to gush about how I’ve progressed in the past month and how I’m learning Japanese, but I thought it might make for a good video. I’ve written and recorded the VO for it, I just have to work on the visuals.

This is gonna be the hard part for me, because I don’t really know what to show for something like this. It’s just me talking about my thoughts on the language and my process for learning it. In my other videos, I’m often talking about a specific game, so I can just show gameplay of it. I don’t know if I wanna heavily lean into stock footage, I don’t even know what options there are for free stock footage.

I’m kind of excited working on something like this, because it gives me a reason to really think about the visuals for my videos. A lot of the time, I just plop down gameplay without thinking about it too much, but I need to be a bit more thoughtful here.

Working on this video kinda got me into the “video making mood”. I’ve come up with a few ideas for future videos and I’m excited to work on some of them.


Finding a balance between learning Japanese and working on videos is gonna be hard going forward. I’ve had a hard enough time working on just YouTube videos, now I have a whole other activity to drain my energy.

I think it’s something worth trying though. Check out my upcoming video to hear me talk about it more.

- Preston

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