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I started a website!

Uh… Check it out sometime…?

I’ve been mainly posting stuff to my Patreon and using that like a blog, but it feels weird using that as a platform to just post random thoughts on movies and shows I watch in my free time. Plus I always thought it’d be cool to have a presence on my own platform as opposed to solely relying on YouTube or Patreon.

So here we are!

This is my first post I’ve written since I got my site up, and I’m cross-posting this to Patreon as well just to establish my goals for each platform. Lets go over that:

What I’m posting to each platform

The Pretzel YouTube Channel

  • Scripted Videos
  • Occasional Unscripted Content

The Pretzel Patreon

  • Visible to Everyone
    • Monthly Updates
    • Video Releases
  • Visible to Patrons
    • Question submissions for Q&A
    • Exclusive Polls

The Pretzel Website (

  • Monthly Updates
  • Video Releases
  • Written Reviews
  • Random Life Updates and Thoughts

I used to have my written reviews exclusive for Patrons, but I feel like they don’t really provide a good value for someone supporting me. So instead of committing to doing one every week like I did before, I’ll just do them whenever I see something interesting and have something to say.

I’ll be posting most of my minor progress and life updates to my website, but if it’s something I think more people should know about, then I’ll post it to Patreon.

Think of what I laid out earlier as windows into what I’m doing. The YouTube channel will very rarely see any progress updates or anything of the like, Patreon will provide a bit deeper of a look into who I am and what I’m up to, and will be an unfiltered look into what I’m working on or what I’ve watched recently.

So I won’t blame you if I’m not that type of person that you’d want to read all about.

For those that are interested, check out some of my other posts here!

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