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February 2021 (Monthly Update)

Howdy everyone. This is my first monthly update, so I’m gonna make it count.

I’m still not sure how I want to format these monthly updates, but I figure having specific topics I can talk about since my last post is a good start.

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Progress Since Last Update

This is my first update, so I’ll just talk about how far I’ve come since I started.

While I still do have a longways to go, I’m pretty happy with how I’ve developed. That being said, I’m also happy with the quality of my early videos. There’s one or two I don’t like as much as the others, but I feel like I got the technical aspects of making a YouTube video down pretty quickly. My audio sounds acceptable, video clips are high quality, transitions and animations are somewhat interesting. All the stuff, that when done poorly, make someone immediately click off your video.

As for my writing, I’m not sure how I feel. I think I’m putting out mildly insightful thoughts, but I was hoping for a more rapid improvement rate. Although maybe that’s on me for putting unrealistic expectations on how quickly I would learn. I tried to push myself with my recent video on Crash 4 and I kinda like the direction it took.


Speaking of pushing myself, I have big plans for my next video. I want to make a full analysis/recap of Final Fantasy 7 Remake. And that doesn’t just entail replaying FF7R, I’m going to engage with all of the Compilation of FF7. Read the book, watch the movie, and play all the games. Even Dirge of Cerberus…

I just embarked on this project by starting Crisis Core a week or so ago.

Fortunately/unfortunately, depending on how you look at it, there was a bunch of announcements surrounding Final Fantasy 7 last week. Most notable of which, is a PS5 update to FF7R with new content featuring Yuffie. It also seems like it pulls heavily from Dirge of Cerberus. The update is slated for June.

Another big announcement was Final Fantasy 7: Ever Crisis. A mobile game that retells the story of not only FF7, but Advent Children, Crisis Core, Dirge of Cerberus, and even Before Crisis. This is something that definitely seems useful to my project, but I’m not holding myself to playing this before putting a video out. The trailer just said “Coming 2022” and I’m definitely not waiting until that comes out to do my video.

So I’m left with a question. Do I work on and finish this video before the Yuffie side-story comes out in June? Or do I start working on it now and release when it’s done?

I think the smart answer is to start working on it now and make sure it’s out by the time the updated version is released. And once I’ve played the Yuffie side-story, I can put out a video talking about how it fits in and any weird references it makes.

For now, I’m leaning towards doing that. But if I make a change of plans, I’ll post an update here or on Twitter.

YouTube Shorts

I put out a 30 second Crash review as a YouTube short the other day, and it positively blew up, at least going by the amount of views I normally get. As of March 1st, it has 1.1k views. My second most viewed video has 155 views. It definitely felt awesome to refresh the page every 5 minutes and see it go up 50 views, when I normally get 5 views in a few hours on my videos.

I definitely want to make more. Of course I’m tempted by the growth potential, especially right now, when shorts are blowing up in general, but I also like the turnaround on shorts. It took maybe 3 hours altogether to put that video together, from conception to uploading it. Normally it takes me weeks to work on a video, but I conceived of that video and had it out the same day.

This isn’t going to be my main focus mind you. I’m still very much interested in this Final Fantasy 7 Remake video project. But putting out a few shorts every now and then in the meantime wouldn’t be the worst for me. Both in terms of channel growth and mental health.


Well that’s all I have for this month. It’s very likely that I won’t have this video out by my next update. I have literally no idea how long this is gonna take, because I’ve never embarked on a project like this. Let’s just hope I’m not posting an update in May about how I just beat Crisis Core. If that’s the case, all hope is lost.

Thanks, and I’ll see y’all on the flip.


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