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April 2021 (Monthly Update)

A month defined by a new computer and more slow progress. And some Mortal Kombat on the side.

61 subscribers – 14 videos – 3,843 views

Progress Since Last Update

I finally got all my computer parts in!

Well… except for a graphics card.

I’m running off a 560ti I’m borrowing from a friend, and it serves me well enough. But it really sucks to have all these modern parts and still be held back by something, let alone a graphics card from 2011.

My overall experience is noticeably faster in a few areas and pretty similar in most. I thought I’d be able to edit speedy-fast with a new processor, but I didn’t realize Resolve relied on the GPU so much, so it’s still pretty slow. But it’s MUCH better than using an integrated GPU.

I fully expected my motivation to work on videos to increase once I got all my new parts, but it’s still been pretty bad. There’s a lot of things I could point to for my lower motivation over the past few months, but I think my main point is lack of interesting video ideas.


I literally just put out my latest video, and I haven’t decided on what to do next. I started using a productivity program to track when Patreon reviews are going up and to keep a video schedule in my mind, it’s been pretty helpful. I put out 3 video ideas scheduled in advance, but now that it’s time to work on them, I don’t really have any interest in those projects.

Let me be clear, I do have an interest in the topics themselves, but the idea of writing a script and getting footage isn’t what I want to do. I just want to play Mortal Kombat 11 some more. I just need to bite the bullet and get to work.

As for the Final Fantasy remake video, it’s definitely not happening. Well I might put out some video on Remake, but it won’t be how I imagined it. I’m still getting comfortable editing and writing videos, so I think I was biting off a bit more than I could chew with that project.

I do kinda regret announcing that I was working on it, because I hate saying I’m gonna do something, then I don’t do it. I don’t like setting expectations for videos that I might not finish. The monthly updates mentioning that project exist as a reminder to not announce projects before I’ve done a fair amount of work on them.

As for future content, lemme just say one of my next few videos might not be about video games. That’s all I’ll say.


Another rough month for me. I’m still at a point where I get basically no engagement or views on videos I put out, but I have received a few positive comments saying how much they enjoy what I’ve done. And shit like that keeps me going. I’m fairly happy with the stuff I put out, but knowing other people enjoy it brings a smile to my face.

See y’all next month. Hopefully I can be better.


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